A step towards
better health.
A short bio
My name is Henri Henell. I finished my physiotherapist studies in 1996 in Finland. Little did I know then that I’d end up in a small town called Lærdal in western Norway. For the last 24 years I’ve treated all sorts of people with all sorts of pains and problems here in Lærdal.
The year is 2020 and in 24 years I’ve learnt a wide array of treatment methods and techniques. Everything, from thousands of years old training-methods such as clubbells, to modern high-tech machines like SCENAR and TE3 Mobility Stick, will be used to treat your pains and ultimately make you feel better.
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Let’s have a chat.
Øyraplassen 8,
6887 Lærdal, Norway
+47 922 86 156